Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your mom sets the bar low

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach your mom.
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it -- Michelangelo

Friday, March 26, 2010

Your mom is a frat house hazing ritual

Thank you, sir! May I have your mother?

Thank you, sir! May I have another? -- Chip, Animal House

Your mom has potholes

The road to Easy Street goes through your mom.

The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer. -- John Madden

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Your mom is Waterloo

Even Napoleon had your mom.

Even Napoleon had his Watergate -- Yogi Berra

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Your mom sinks philosphies

Your mom is a dark ocean without shores or lighthouse, strewn with many a philosophic wreck.

Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shores or lighthouse, strewn with many a philosophic wreck. -- Immanuel Kant

Your mom has problems

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created your mom.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. -- Albert Einstein

I'd like to welcome Your Mom to her blog

So one day I was chatting with a friend who is a huge fan of the "your mom" meme, and I was suddenly stuck with inspiration. What would have happened if Your Mom had been around, say, during WWII? What about when Christopher Columbus was getting lost on his way to find the Americas? What about further back?

Obviously, she'd be really, really old by now. And probably a zombie. I'm not sure what that would make you, but I was fairly certain that your mom would have made many of the classic quotes you know and love much more entertaining.

So I and a few friends posted some "revised" quotes as statuses on our FaceBook pages. And then we posted some more. And then we started sending some back and forth via email.

Sure, our friends and family were laughing with us (okay, maybe at us), but they were as confused as they were entertained (which is to say, "very"). It was fun, but it all started to getting a bit absurd. It was becoming something of an addiction. We needed a better outlet for what we came up with.

This is it. Some of the quotes will make you laugh, some will make you scratch your head, and some may make you cringe (as you laugh nervously). The best part? Quotes can come from anywhere; songs, speeches, historical documents, politics, religion, movies. Anywhere. Anything. I'm not sure if anything will be off-limits.

We'll try and post the original quote (in tiny, tiny letters) as well as the person or thing it came from. We'll also try to be funny. If we fail, then we will fail in a spectacular (and hopefully amusing) fashion.

Think it's disrespectful? Too bad. Get a sense of humor.

Don't think it's funny? Too bad. Your mom does.